SGOP Sub-measure 1.1.1

Palettenwerk Kozik Sp. z o.o. is carrying out a project which is co-financed with European Funds and is entitled ‘The development of an innovative technology for modular, prefabricated timber-based construction by PalettenWerk Kozik Spółka Jawna’.

The aim of the project is to develop and implement modular, prefabricated timber-based construction technology, and thus to significantly improve the level of innovation by utilising the results of R&D work.

EU funding of the project: 9,113,867.55 PLN

ROP for Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Measure 2.5


Palko Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością is carrying out a project which is co-financed by European Funds and is entitled ‘Purchase of innovative machines and equipment for production purposes at Palko’.

The project provides for product, technological, organisational, and marketing changes of an innovative nature. These changes will be made possible by the purchase of advanced technologies and by implementing the results of R&D work.

EU funding of the project: 888,505.25 PLN

Our projects

Paleta 4.0

Groundbreaking project on the logistics market.