

26 Listopad 2020




Palko Sp. z o.o. received funding from the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development in the amount of 21,302,862 PLN for the implementation of a research and development project aimed at developing an innovative product within the EPAL system: ‘Pallet 4.0’.

Pallet 4.0 is intended to be a modern load carrier that can be automatically tracked and monitored. Thanks to this, the pallet also becomes a data carrier. The project also involves the development of an electronic pallet identification system and management of the data generated by pallet circulation.

PalettenWerk’s participation in this project confirms its position as the leader on the Polish EPAL pallet market, not only in terms of the volumes of products manufactured, but also in terms of innovation. The company takes an active part in setting new standards in the pallet market and implements the latest solutions.